topkino » Tarixiy


Jumong 27-08-2024, 14:15
yil: 2006
mamlakat: Janubiy Koreya
yosh: 18
Jumong Goguryo qirolligi asoschisi Jumong Taewang hayotini ko'rib chiqadi. Jumong haqidagi tarixiy ma'lumotlarda bir nechta tafsilotlar topilgan, shuning uchun serialning ko'p qismi o'ylab topilgan....
КП 8.6
IMDb 8.1


Bilol 23-08-2024, 16:53
yil: 2016
mamlakat: BAA
yosh: 18
A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage...
КП 7.2
IMDb 6.8