Farzand / Avlod Koreya filmi Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2023 tarjima kino Full HD skachat-Filippindagi noqonuniy boks stadionlarida mushtlashgan bola kasal bo'lgan filippinlik onasining operatsiyasi uchun pul yig'ish uchun koreyalik otasini qidirmoqda. Bir kuni u koreyalik otasidan xabar oladi va u bilan uchrashish uchun Janubiy Koreyaga uchadi. Biroq, uni sirli ayol bola va uning koreys otasining o'g'li ta'qib qilgani uchun sayohat qiyinchilikka to'la. A boy fights at illegal boxing stadiums in the Philippines and has been searching for his Korean father to raise money for his sick Filipina mother's surgery. One day, he gets a message from his Korean father's side and flies to South Korea to meet him. However, the journey is full of plights as he is chased by the childe, a mysterious woman, and his Korean father's son.
- yil: 2023
- mamlakat: Janubiy Koreya
- yosh: 18
- davomiyligi: 118
- sifat: HD
- rejissor:
- tarjima: