topkino » Kino » Bo'ri odam

Bo'ri odam

Film syujeti quyidagicha:

Bo'ri odam Hind kino Uzbek tilida O'zbekcha 2022 tarjima kino Full HD skachat - Arunachal-Pradeshda ildiz otgan afsonaviy folklordan ilhomlangan Bhediya afsonaviy bo'ri tishlab olgan va o'zi jonzotga aylana boshlagan Bxaskar haqida hikoya qiladi. Bhaskar va uning do'stlari javob topishga harakat qilar ekan, u ichidagi yirtqich hayvon mahalliy shaharda insoniyatni yo'q qilishidan xavotirda. Inspired by legendary folklore rooted in Arunachal Pradesh, Bhediya tells the story of Bhaskar, a man who gets bitten by a mythical wolf and begins to transform into the creature himself. As Bhaskar and his ragtag buddies try to find answers, he is worried that the monster in him will wipe out human existence in the local town.


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