topkino » Kino » Omonat


Film syujeti quyidagicha:

Omonat - Imom Shomil Jamalutdin va Liza Oleninaning o'g'lining sevgi hikoyasi 19-asrning birinchi yarmida Rossiya harbiy tarixining dramatik voqealari fonida. Jamolutdin tarixga “buyuk garov” sifatida kirdi va film katta siyosat yoki katta muhabbat garovi degan savolga javob berishga urinishdir. Sevgi va xiyonat, or-nomus va burch, vatanga xizmat qilish va bu so'zga sadoqat hikoyalari ochilgan Nikolaev davrining tanazzulining tarixiy konteksti filmning kalitiga aylanadi. The love story of the son of Imam Shamil Jamalutdin and Lisa Olenina against the backdrop of the dramatic events of the military history of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Jamalutdin went down in history as a "great hostage", and the film is an attempt to answer the question: a hostage of big politics or big love. The historical context of the decline of the Nikolaev era, against which the story of love and betrayal, honor and duty, service to the motherland and loyalty to this word unfolds, will become the key to the film.


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