
Film syujeti quyidagicha: Klyosh - 80-yillarning boshlariga kelib, Hindiston allaqachon ko'plab samolyotlarning o'g'irlanishiga guvoh bo'lgan edi. 1984 yilda mamlakat yana bir shunday qiyinchilikka duch keldi. BellBottom, RAW agenti rejani ko'rib chiqadi va shu tariqa Hindistonning chet eldagi birinchi maxfiy operatsiyasini boshlaydi. Unutilgan qahramon boshchiligidagi operatsiya Hindiston uchun eng muhim daqiqalardan birini yaratdi. By the early ‘80s, India had already witnessed multiple airplane hijacks. In 1984, the country was made to face another such challenge. BellBottom, a RAW Agent, sees through the plan and thus begins India's first overseas covert operation. An operation, lead by a forgotten hero, that went on to create one of the most defining moments for India.

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