Qonli uy
Film syujeti quyidagicha:
Qonli uy - Bir qator tushunarsiz va dahshatli qotilliklar Barot oilasini parchalab tashlaydi va ota va o'g'il o'rtasidagi yaqin munosabatlarni buzadi. Bu aqlsiz qirg'in ortida kim turishi mumkin? Haqiqat ochilganda, u oilani yanada tartibsizliklarga olib keladi. Ammo haqiqat haqiqatmi yoki bezovtalangan aqlning o'yinlarimi? A series of inexplicable and gruesome killings tear the Barot family apart and destroy the close relationship between father and son. Who could be behind this mindless slaughter? When the truth is discovered, it throws the family into further turmoil. But is the truth really the truth or games of a troubled mind?
Qonli uy onlayn ko'rish
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